Distance Sessions

How It Works


BodyTalk sessions can be performed not only in person, but also as a distance session. This means it is possible to get a BodyTalk session when you are unable to be present in person, whether that is due to travel, illness, emergencies, or simply inconvenience or scheduling conflicts! Consciousness is connected over distance, thus distance sessions work! Distance sessions are as good if not BETTER than hands on sessions!

A distance session involves receiving a BodyTalk session from a practitioner remotely. Healing without visible connections has existed since the beginning of time. We are all made up of energy. For those of you who are very familiar with reiki or other forms of energy work, you know this concept very well.

Distance sessions work according to quantum physics. Quantum physics has provided a scientific understanding of the connection across time and space. It is known that the human body, at the most basic level, operates according to the laws of quantum physics! In quantum, everything is connected; everything is part of a continuous whole, thus distance is not a factor.

Distance sessions work like wireless technology, on a principle similar to the cell phone. It is well accepted that the television remote and the garage door opener work by wireless methods. For these wireless technologies to occur, there simply has to be a sender and a receiver. In the case of BodyTalk distance sessions, the sender is the BodyTalk practitioner, while the client is the receiver!


Click on our Distance Session Forms:

1. Adult Consent Form
2. Well Being Form

Download form and fill it out, then email the forms to lenamascarin@hotmail.com


Call Lena directly at 905-266-0284 x 101 to book your session.

If unavailable, please leave a message with your contact number and she will return your call A.S.A.P.

Payment Process:

We accept e-transfers to: integratedwellnessbms@gmail.com or you could call Kim at our office (905-266-0284 x 105) to make your payment.



Transforming Lives